‘Attack Watch’: the new KGB-inspired informant program from Obama’s White House

Obama launches another snitch police squad

Michelle Malkin

They’re baaaaack. It’s another legion of Obama snitch police.

The Obama 2012 campaign has rolled out “Attack Watch”.

“Get the facts. Fight the smears.” And report all dissidents and enemies here.

The announcement was made earlier today on the official BarackObama Twitter account.


Twitter’s already having a ball with it: Just check out the #attackwatch hashtag.

If this all sounds familiar, it should

Also at MichelleMalkin.com, Attaaaaack Waaaaaaatch; Update: The laughter continues

…On Twitter, where the Web site has an account to help Obama supporters submit evidence of “attacks” on the president using the hashtag #attackwatch, nearly every tweet about the site has ridiculed it.

“There’s a new Twitter account making President Obama look like a creepy, authoritarian nutjob,” an Arizonan tweeted. “In less than 24 hours, Attack Watch has become the biggest campaign joke in modern history,” a contributor to conservative blog The Right Sphere wrote.

Some great posters designed by Malkin’s readers and friends are posted on the site.

At HotAir.com, Dead pool: How long before Obama’s campaign flushes Attack Watch down the toilet?

Not only are major papers running headlines about the site becoming a laughingstock, even respected liberals are admitting that they would have flipped out had Bush tried something similar. Place your bets: How much longer can the PR beating go on before someone throws in the towel? Ace thinks it’ll be gone — or at least substantially overhauled to rid it of the “snazzy Gestapo color scheme” — by 6 p.m. ET. I’m thinking they’re going to stick with it for the long haul for the reason MKH gives here:

Design regression from Fight the Smears to #AttackWatch is metaphor for Obama 08 vs. 12. Same product, subtract style, sprinkle desperation.

Compare and contrast. We’re more than a year away from election day and it’s already axiomatic that this will be the nastiest campaign in recent memory — and the worse the economy is, the nastier it’ll be on the White House’s end…


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