‘Occupy CPAC’ protesters paid $60 for the day
Michelle Fields
The Daily Caller
Protesters at Friday’s “Occupy CPAC” event, organized by AFL-CIO and the Occupy DC movement, told The Daily Caller that they were paid “sixty bucks a head” to protest outside the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C.
One protester told TheDC that all the “Occupy” activists were being paid to protest, and that his union, Sheet Metal Workers Local 100, approached him about the money-making opportunity.
“I have nothing nice to say about Local 100. … They just told me ‘you wanna make sixty bucks? So c’mon,’” the protester said.
Other “Occupy CPAC” protesters were unwilling to speak on camera because they were unaware what they were protesting and what the CPAC event was about.
Videography by Sarah Hofmann
Also at The Daily Caller, CPAC turns ugly: Melee nearly breaks out when protesters and attendees clash
The video below is from GatewayPundit
Related: New Film: “Occupy Unmasked
The trailer for the new film produced by Citizens United and directed by Stephen K. Bannon. “Occupy Unmasked” goes deep into the “Occupy” movement and exposes its origins as well as the radical ideas behind “income inequality” that has become the centerpiece of the Obama re-election effort.
Update: Marooned in Marin has more about today’s premier of the trailer of “Occupy Unmasked.” At the site is video of Lee Stranahan and more video of Andrew Breitbart.