‘Now that’s justice for Trayvon.’

They could be Obama’s sons: Twenty blacks attack white male Matthew Owens with chairs, pipes and paint cans, leaving him in critical condition then declaring, “Now that’s justice for Trayvon.”


Matthew Owens

Read the article at Hyscience.


The outcry from Washington?



Meanwhile, in the Mobile Press-Register

…Danny Parker, the brother-in-law of victim Matthew Owens Jr., said his wife saw the beating from their front yard: A large group of black residents cornered Owens on the front porch of a neighbor and beat him severely. The group included 15 to 20 people on foot and several who followed in cars, he said.

There were adults, male and female, and teenagers, “women in dresses — they looked like they were going to church,” Parker said…

…Cpl. Christopher Levy, a spokesman for the Police Department, said the Trayvon Martin case definitely was not the motivator factor…



Update: Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman and the Decline of Racism Violence in America

…Figures such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton want to use the Martin shooting to say that when it comes to race, little to nothing has changed in America over the past 20, 30, or 50 years. Gun control advocates want to say that the shooting proves that America is awash in the blood of gun violence egged on by Second Amendment fundamentalists.

But neither of those things is true…

H/T Blazing Cat Fur

Update 2: Mark Levin: When will Obama speak out about Matthew Owens?

Update 3: Baltimore man who beat tourist arrested, cameraman tweeted “me an my boys helped get justice fore [sic] trayvon” http://bit.ly/I4eUKd .

H/T Eric Odom

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