Infanticide is the new abortion

MSNBC host says newborn infants don’t count as ‘alive’ unless parents decide they do

Mike Adams
Natural News

Today Natural News denounces Melissa Harris-Perry, the latest talking head “death worshipper” to publicly imply that she supports the murder of living, breathing newborn children. According to Harris-Perry, life begins when the parents feel like life begins. And together with some twisted new “ethics” arguments from the radical left, this can include months or years after a child is born.

That’s why I need to premise this article with a disclaimer: This article is not about abortion. It’s about the murder of children after they are born. Because once a child is born alive, terminating that life is no longer a “choice” … it’s murder by every legal and moral standard. Because while abortion friends and foes can argue about when life begins in the womb, no one disagrees that a child born alive is, well, ALIVE… do they?

Indeed, they do. MSNBC talking head Melissa Harris-Perry insists that life only begins when the parents have a “feeling” that it begins. “When does life begin? I submit the answer depends an awful lot on the feeling of the parents. A powerful feeling — but not science,” Harris-Perry said to nationwide astonishment on her July 21 MSNBC show…

…This is the position embraced by the radical left: babies are not humans, and it is okay to murder them even up to age three…

…I don’t know about you, but I cannot accept, as a spiritual human being and a responsible member of society, the legalization of the murder of babies who are born alive and breathing. Yet that is precisely what the radical left is pushing for: the “right” to murder their own children up to the age of three. (Oh yeah, they’re also pushing for the “right” to kill elderly people, but that’s another article altogether.)…


The complete article, with video, is at Natural News.


Related:  In his article Mike Adams refers to this article from February 2012: Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say

Parents should be allowed to have their newborn babies killed because they are “morally irrelevant” and ending their lives is no different to abortion, a group of medical ethicists linked to Oxford University has argued.


Also, Women Rally in Front of the White House to Protest HHS Mandate  

Approving of birth control doesn’t mean you want the government pushing it.



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