Aaron Walker Strikes Back

Dan Collins
Conservative Commune

Via Patterico, Zilla in comments, Stacy, Stacy again, Michelle Malkin, Ladd Ehlinger and numerous other people comes the news that Aaron Walker has retained legal counsel and that there is a 501(c) behind fundraising efforts to defend him and other bloggers against the predations and harassment of notorious convicted domestic terrorist and perjurer Brett Kimberlin and his Whole Sick Krew.

DB Capitol Strategies, in partnership with RightSolutions, a 501c3 public charity, is building a nationwide team of lawyers to fight those who would silence online free speech. Our first salvo in that effort has been to file a federal lawsuit today against Brett Kimberlin, seeking, in part, an injunction to prevent the state from ever again arresting Mr. Aaron Walker, an American citizen, for exercising his right to free speech, and to release him from any prior censorship restrictions imposed by unlawful judgements.

This is only the first step in what we call the “Bloggers Defense Team.” We are firmly committed to exposing and combating the efforts of Brett Kimberlin, otherwise known as the Speedway Bomber, and his well-funded allies on the left (like George Soros and Barabara Streisand) who will use any means of harassment to silence political opposition.

No citizen of the United States should ever be arrested merely for blogging – especially not for blogging about the crimes of the notorious Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin…

The article continues at Conservative Commune.

Also, Freedom to blog updates: Aaron Walker fights Brett Kimberlin gag order; the Left and endless lawfare; Update: New motion filed

UpdateAaron Walker Fights Unconstitutional Gag Order

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