ACLU Loses Ten Commandments Case

Todd Starnes
Fox News Radio

Thou shall not remove the Ten Commandments.

That’s the declaration from a federal district court – dismissing a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union against Dixie County, Fla. and ending a six-year legal battle.

The ACLU sued the county after they allowed a private citizen to erect a six-ton monument of the Ten Commandments atop the steps of the courthouse.

A 75-year-old North Carolina man, who happens to be an ACLU member, objected to the monument – which led to the lawsuit.

Liberty Counsel represented the county and challenged the ACLU’s standing to bring a suit on behalf of a member who lives hundreds of miles away from the monument.”

Senior District Judge Maurice Paul dismissed the case after the ACLU admitted that their client did not plan to buy property in Dixie County and therefore lacks standing to sue..

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