AK candidate Joe Miller: Obama is bad for America


Joe Miller wonders if the Republican leadership has the courage to actually do what needs to be done at this pivotal moment in our country. He also gives the President a grade of ‘D’ on his Iraq speech the other night and the money line in the title came when Miller was asked if he could describe Barack Obama in a sentence or two.

Oh yeah, I really like this guy! What a great interview!

Update: At Power Line, “It’s Miller time”

The emergence of Joe Miller as the Republican senatorial candidate in Alaska is one of the most surprising results so far in an already surprising year. Miller’s defeat of incumbent Senator Lisa Murkowski in the Republican primary must be attributable in substantial part to the support of Sarah Palin, and it replayed Palin’s own surprising defeat of former Governor Frank Murkowski in the 2006 Republican gubernatorial primary. Before Lisa Murkowski’s concession this week, the Weekly Standard’s John McCormack answered the question “Who is Joe Miller?” “Based on merit alone,” McCormack writes, “Miller was easily the superior candidate to Murkowski…” He should be a strong candidate in a must-win race.

PAUL adds: I don’t know enough about Miller, even after reading McCormack’s article, to say whether he was the superior candidate in his race with Lisa Murkowski. I can say that he was the more conservative candidate, which counts for a lot, and that he certainly deserves to be elected in November.

I want to add, however, that Murkowski is an underrated Senator, in my view. As ranking member of the Senate Energy Committee, she performed excellent service in opposing the Democrats’ agenda, including efforts effectively to restrict the ability to drill off-shore to foreign companies (this earned her Keith Olbermans’s “worst person” award). She has also led the charge to overturn EPA’s “endangerment” finding for greenhouse gases, a determination that paves the way for agency climate rules. In my view, Murkowski might well be the Republican party’s most valuable member on environmental issues recently…

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