Buyer’s remorse for pro-Israel voters

“I’ve watched a few presidents come and go on this issue, and Obama really is different. Unlike Clinton and George W. Bush, Obama isn’t in love with the idea of Israel.”


Jennifer Rubin
The Washington Post

I’m quite certain that the two are unrelated but two developments today should give the Obama team heartburn over pro-Israel voters.

First, is the Republican Jewish Coalition’s ad (originally set to air next week, but the early release of which was prompted by a New York Times story).

Yikes. This is one of several “buyer’s remorse” ads, aimed to give voters “permission” to change their minds. Mitt Romney doesn’t want to say that voters got it wrong (although some of us did spot his approach to Israel from a mile away), so he and those assisting him are making an easier sell, namely that Obama didn’t do what he promised.


The article continues at The Washington Post.

Update: White House Won’t Name Capital of Israel Breitbart TV video

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