Paul Mirengoff
If authentic, CNN’s memo explaining why Candy Crowley permitted President Obama to speak four minutes more than Mitt Romney during Tuesday’s presidential debate is devastating to that network:
On why Obama got more time to speak, it should be noted that Candy and her commission producers tried to keep it even but that Obama went on longer largely because he speaks more slowly. We’re going to do a word count to see whether, as in Denver, Romney actually got more words in even if he talked for a shorter period of time.
One of Crowley’s main jobs as moderator was to enforce the rules that were established for the debate. The rules established time limits, not word limits…
The article continues at PowerLine.
H/T Instapundit
Also at Instapundit, JAMES TARANTO: WAS CANDY IN CAHOOTS? “If this surmise is correct, then Crowley knew about the ‘act…
“If this surmise is correct, then Crowley knew about the ‘acts of terror’ Easter egg hidden in Obama’s Sept. 12 speech, and Obama knew she knew. Romney did not know and was as incredulous as Crowley had been, because the administration had spent weeks peddling the claim that the video dunnit. Obama brought the matter up expecting incredulity from Romney and backup from Crowley. She therefore unwittingly played her role in Obama’s little ambush of his opponent. She was just clarifying the facts–or so Axelrod & Co. had led her to believe.”