Earmark Spending Ranked by Sponsoring Member

A site to bookmark: LegiStorm.com

LegiStorm launched in September 2006. Our web site is dedicated to providing a variety of important information about the US Congress.

Based on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, LegiStorm’s first information product was a database of congressional staff salaries but we have now added other valuable information, such as the most comprehensive database of all privately financed trips taken by members of Congress and congressional staffers.

The information is provided in a strictly factual, non-partisan fashion. We have no political affiliations and no political purpose except to make the workings of Congress as transparent as possible. We expect this resource to be useful to journalists, researchers, lobbyists and current and would-be staffers – as well as regular citizens who simply want to know how their representatives spend public money…

One such item:

Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) accepted a trip from a rock band to attend a war-related press conference. Their name? Anti-Flag

LegiStorm’s site has a chart listing Congressional earmarks, ranked by total amount sponsored. In the top five:

1. Louisiana Landrieu, Sen. Mary
213 earmarks
average amount per earmark $10,107,723

2. California Feinstein, Sen. Dianne
246 earmarks
average amount per earmark $8,698,368

3. Louisiana Vitter, Sen. David
182 earmarks
average amount per earmark $11,296,473

4. Texas Hutchison, Sen. Kay Bailey
172 earmarks
average amount per earmark $8,731,459

5. Mississippi Cochran, Sen. Thad
265 earmarks
average amount per earmark $4,955,482

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