Shane Vander Hart
Caffeinated Thoughts
I read an article written by Michael Farris, the founder and chair of HSLDA – the Home School Legal Defense Association. In it he discussed the case made by government lawyers representing Attorney General Eric Holder during the court hearing for the Romeike family. You may remember the Romeike’s sought political asylum in the United States due to Germany’s persecution of homeschooling families. A federal district court judge granted the Romeikes asylum here against the wishes of the Federal government. The government appealed that decision to the Board of Immigration appeals and won. HSLDA appealed to the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals where the case (Romeike v. Holder) will be heard.
Farris outlined three arguments made by the U.S. Department of Justice lawyers which should be of concern to American homeschooling families:
He said the first argument in essence is that a government isn’t violating anyone’s rights if homeschooling is banned altogether…
The article continues at Caffeinated Thoughts.
H/T Joe Miller
Related: From one of the source articles, “Read why German public schools now teach Islam.”
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