Farrakhan delivers speech in Memphis

“This can pacify you and lull you to sleep in a dangerous time, making you to think that we live in a post-racial America—when the opposite is true.”
–Louis Farrakham, Memphis, 18 October 2009

MEMPHIS, TN (WMC-TV) – Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan Sunday delivered his Holy Day of Atonement keynote speech at Memphis’ Cook Convention Center.

The event also marked the 14th anniversary fo the Million Man March in Washington.

Former Memphis Mayor Willie Herenton was in attendance Sunday. On Friday, he hosted Farrakhan at a private gathering of local leaders.

Farrakhan shared his master plan to stop violence, reduce high school dropout rates and create new job opportunities.

The controversial 76-year-old minister also discussed having the nation’s first African American president in the White House.

“This can pacify you and lull you to sleep in a dangerous time, making you to think that we live in a post-racial America – when the opposite is true,” he said.

The Jewish community has called Farrakhan anti-Semitic for comments he has made over the years.

Video at WMC-TV.

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