Flashback: Moderator Raddatz Stunned Democrat John Silber's Campaign for MA Governor in 1990 Debate

Joel B. Pollak
Big Journalism
10 Oct 2012

Ahead of Thursday evening’s highly-anticipated debate between Vice President Joe Biden and Republican challenger Rep. Paul Ryan, pundits are wondering whether the moderator, ABC News’ Martha Raddatz, will comply with pressure from media colleagues to be more aggressive than Jim Lehrer of PBS was in last week’s presidential debate.

There is reason to believe she might: Raddatz has irked at least one campaign from the moderator’s seat: the 1990 gubernatorial campaign of Democrat John Silber, president of Boston University…

…The League of Women Voters complained that Raddatz’s questions produced “no insight into the programs or policies of the candidates.”

A Democratic consultant agreed: “I don’t mind saying on the record that this was a crop of absolutely ridiculous, frivolous questions that were designed to call attention to the questioner,” i.e. to Raddatz…

The complete article, with video, is at Big Journalism.

RelatedTransparency: Obama a Guest at VP Debate Moderator’s Wedding

…ABC News’ senior foreign correspondent, Martha Raddatz, is not only moderating tomorrow night’s debate between Paul Ryan and Joe Biden, but no less than Barack Obama was a guest at her 1991 wedding.

The media can never stop crybabying when those of us on the right call them out for their biases, and yet this same crybaby media allows things like this to happen.

Which is worse? The fact that ABC News and Raddatz thought this didn’t matter or the fact that they tried to get away with not disclosing an apparent conflict of interest from the start…

At Hump Day Report Giliar is gearing up for the big debate tonight. She’s posted a long, long list What Paul Ryan Proposes...”These are all the programs that the new Republican House has proposed cutting…$2.5 Trillion over Ten Years…Check this out, while you hear Biden lie tonight…”

Read it!

Also, Poll: Americans Prefer Ryan over Biden

Obama on Debate: ‘I Was Too Polite’

After calling Mitt Romney a liar, suggesting that Jim Lehrer had a screw loose, and blaming Big Bird for President Obama’s abysmal presidential debate performance, the Obama campaign has finally settled on a message: Obama was simply too polite. Yes, the candidate who has termed his political opponents “enemies” and suggested that his followers physically accost those enemies was just too nice.

That’s Obama’s line, at least…

Update: Sean Hannity Interviews Jim Lehrer

Update 2: New RNC Ad Features VP Joe Biden’s “Yes We Do” Pledge that He and Obama Will Raise Taxes by $1 Trillion: “The Difference”

Will Ryan ask “Sheriff” Joe about “stimulus” fraud and waste?

Was working on a Ryan-Biden debate post when I caught this question on Stacy’s McCain’s blog, “Will Ryan Hold Biden Accountable?”  It’s a short post and well worth your time–so much though I thought it worth a post of its own…

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