A Delta flight from Amsterdam to Mumbai landed under emergency conditions at Mumbai’s Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport Thursday after an unidentified object was discovered in the aircraft’s cargo, Indian broadcaster NDTV reported.
All 244 passengers departed the aircraft which was taken to an isolated area and searched by an anti-explosives squad.
Details about the size of the object and the nature of the threat were not immediately clear.
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Trace Gallagher of Fox News is reporting on Fox News Channel at 3 PM that this flight originated in New York on Wednesday night and that the flight has been given the all-clear in India.
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TheRightScoop has a recording from Glenn Beck’s radio program this morning in which Beck voices his concerns for the President’s trip to Indonesia and India this week:
…Beck says the estimated cost of the trip is almost 2 billion dollars, but his questions aren’t solely about cost, but about the President’s safety
Also, from NDTV, India: Obama’s India visit slammed for ‘over-the-top’ spending
$ 200 mn per day would be spent by teams coming from the US.