Democrat strategist and former Al Gore Campaign Manager Donna Brazile said on “This Week” that Newt Gingrich is “the ONLY Republican, that I’ve been in battle with, as a Democratic strategist and organizer, who whipped us in 1994.” I think she’s basically saying not to count Gingrich out yet…
The article continues, with video of Laura Ingraham on “This Week”, is at WeArePolitics.
Related: Donna Brazile Lets the Cat Out of the Bag: Dems Want to Run Against Romney
…BRAZILE: Mitt Romney won tonight because no one touched him — and for Democrats, you know what? It was good news for us.
KARL: Why is that?
BRAZILE: Because we believe that the weakest candidate is the candidate that the Republicans are not attackin’, and that’s Mitt Romney…
Update: Controversy over Newt’s support of Fairness Doctrine in 1987