Glenn Beck
Back in September of 2013, For The Record looked at the possibility that countries hostile to the U.S., like China and Russia, may have artificially driven up the price of oil and intentionally crashed the stocks of some financial institutions, escalating chaos prior to the 2008 economic crisis. Yesterday, a BBC report seemingly confirmed this investigation.
In a September article for, TheBlaze’s senior Washington correspondent Sara Carter explained the threat of economic terrorism to the United States.
Carter writes:
China, Russia and even Al Qaeda, among others, all have one thing in common: They believe that unconventional warfare against America’s economy is the best way to destroy our nation without actually ever having to fire a shot.
And our enemies almost made it happen in 2008.
[F]ormer senior U.S. officials disclose what the Pentagon and Washington establishment had been hoping to bury — that the near economic collapse of the United States in 2008 was not due to widespread failures in government regulations, but a planned attack to destroy our nation perpetrated by both China and Russia…
…The BBC article relies on excerpts from interviews with former U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson that were conducted for the BBC Two documentary “How China Fooled the World.” …
…“Hank Paulson came out and… verified… Russia tried to collapse the United States in 2008… We had [the story], and it was one of those things we were mocked for. For the Record had it in absolute iron-clad spades,” Glenn said. “So we know that Putin has designs on collapsing the United States of America. That’s not Glenn Beck. That’s Hank Paulson, our [former] treasury secretary.”
As Glenn explained, this report should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with history. The tactics used by the United States collapse the Soviet Union are the same tactics now being by Russia to collapse the U.S…
The entire article, with video, is at
Also at the site, Jay Carney deflects question about Russian commentator’s threat to ‘vaporize’ America