Glenn Beck Talks About Justina Pelletier On The New England Talk Network

Michael Graham
The Natural Truth

Glenn Beck joined me on today’s show to share what he’s learned about the Justina Pelletier case. His comments about Justina’s father, Lou, and the time Glenn has spent with him are particularly valuable.

Listen to our conversation here:  Michael Graham




Update: Boston Children’s Hospital’s Concerning Policy for Research on ‘Wards of the State’

“Children who are Wards of the state may be included in research that presents minimal risk…or greater than minimal risk with a prospect of direct benefit.”

That’s a line from Boston Children’s Hospital’s “Clinical Investigations Policy and Procedure Manual. It’s the same facility that took over the care of 15-year-old Justina Pelletier against her parents’ wishes last year and they continue to wonder why…



The most emotional morning meeting you’ve ever seen  (video)

If you’ve been following the show, you know the story of Justina Pelletier, the teenage girl taken from her family by the state because the parents disagreed with the diagnosis from doctors at Boston Children’s Hospital. Yesterday, Justina’s father Lou broke the court’s gag order and spoke to Glenn on TV and radio. And now this morning a motion of contempt was filed against him for standing up for his daughter and the rights of the family.

In the morning meeting, Glenn heard about the contempt charges for the first time – resulting in one of the most emotional and revealing behind-the-scenes segments produced for the TV show.




Update 2: More from Michael Graham, Why Are DCF/Boston Children’s Hospital Trying to Silence Lou Pelletier? (video)

…Remember: The treatment procedures Justina had before she was kidnapped by BCH were all prescribed by doctors at Tufts and other respected medical facilities. The Pelletiers aren’t snake handlers or Scientologists. They cared for their daughter the way one group of physicians recommended, and another group of physicians–using the thuggery of DCF–stripped them of their parental rights and institutionalized their daughter.

The parents get ONE SUPERVISED HOUR per week to visit their own child. This has been going on for a YEAR.

Shame on you, DCF. Shame on you Boston Children’s Hospital. And shame on the Patrick administration for not stepping in and fighting for justice.



Update 3:  ‘Something Really Stinks About the Whole Thing!’: Blaze Readers React to Contempt Charges Filed Against Dad Who Defied Gag Order to Tell Daughter’s Heartbreaking Story

…”I don’t understand why a gag order was even issued. That seems like pure corruption to me. You can’t publicly complain about your rights being assaulted? Gag orders should only apply when some serious national secret might be revealed. Not just to prevent embarrassment for thugs who made a bad call and are trying to cover it up.”…

From the comments section of that article:   Boston Children’s Hospital to be Investigated by Department of Public Health

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health is set to investigate a complaint filed by a Boston Attorney against Boston Children’s Hospital and its “Bader 5″ Psychiatric Unit.

According to a January 31 posting by reporter Beau Berman – who broke the story leading to the complaint – the Department of Public Health hasconfirmed that it is assigning an investigator to review the complaint

For the benefit of those unfamiliar with the case, in February 2013, 15-year-old Justina Pelletier was checked into Boston Children’s Hospital with flu-like symptoms by her parents. Prior to her admission, Justina had been undergoing treatments for Mitochondrial Disorder at Tufts Medical Center in Boston…



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