Glenn Beck’s interview with Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell

December 7, 2009

…GLENN: Is there a chance, Marcus, that these guys deserve, deserve, that they are holding back information? I mean, I’m sure you’ve seen the reports. I had several reports come out this weekend. The Navy released some information. Did you get a chance to see any of the stuff from the special operations command?

LUTTRELL: Yes, sir.

GLENN: Is there, is there anything in here that you would read that you would say, well, hang on just a second; I mean, it’s a little more than that; you know, he willfully failed the safeguarded detainee. Well, yeah, it’s a dirt bag terrorist.

LUTTRELL: You know, none of that has anything to do with it. That’s all crap. Yeah, whatever. The guy’s a terrorist. It’s our job to move one guy, you know, move him from one place to another but like I’m saying, you know, nobody knows what was going on inside that truck besides the guys that were in there. They can’t Monday morning quarterback them. I think that’s going on is the fact that when they were just, when the conversation came up like, hey, what happened to these guys, the frogs that were transporting him didn’t come clean and say, hey, look, this is what happened, this, that and the other.

GLENN: No, no, here’s the statement. Because I have the papers. You know, these are the papers they were charged with here. And one of them in fact, several of them made the statement, “I did not see anybody abuse or mistreat Mr…. and then the name is blocked out and redacted.”


GLENN: Or words to that effect, where that statement is completely and totally false. It was known by the officer at that time to be false.

Well, I mean, there’s a difference between, did somebody punch him in the face, and, did you see anybody abuse him. No.


GLENN: I saw my friend punch him in the face, but he deserved it.

LUTTRELL: Yeah, exactly. If you smack the crap out of somebody for acting up or whatever, then, you know

GLENN: That’s not abusing.

LUTTRELL: If you are not there, then you don’t know what’s going on. So I mean, this is all I mean, this has blown way out, I mean, this has gone too far.

PAT: I mean, they were in the back of a truck, too. He could have the terrorist could have fallen into somebody’s fist. He might have accidentally just bounced into somebody’s fist.

LUTTRELL: And he’s like, you know, hey, I remember you guys, didn’t I drag one of your guys through the street and hang him up from a bridge and burn him? That guy would still have my fist permanently implanted into his face.

PAT: As well he should. He should, yeah…

…GLENN: You tell me what the difference is between what we’re doing to the Navy SEALs and what we’ve been doing to the CIA. I don’t see it. I don’t see a difference.

LUTTRELL: Yeah, no difference now.

GLENN: I mean, this is we’re just taking anybody who actually stands up for us, anybody who is doing the hard work, we’re just taking them out one by one, just clubbing them in the knees. This is administration is the Tonya Harding of military presidents. I mean, he’s just taking the military and just clubbing them.

LUTTRELL: Yeah, I mean, you know, if you are not going to let us do our job, like I mean, and the funny thing is like nobody everyone’s so interested in what’s going on over there. And I’ve said it before. Like, if you want to know every little minute detail, grab a rifle and come over and help fight. Otherwise, you know, worry about the economy. Worry about, you know, whatever’s going on over here. That’s, you know, that’s the big picture kind of thing. But if you are going to get in our business and make judgments and stuff like that when you don’t have any idea what’s going on or weren’t exactly there, then you need to pull us back out of the water. I mean, there doesn’t need to be any troops over there at all. You can’t have it both ways. You know what I mean?

GLENN: Yes. And that’s why I have that’s why I’ve recently come back and said pull our troops out. Because these people are going to try to have it both ways, and it’s going to get people like you killed.

LUTTRELL: Yeah, I mean

GLENN: It’s not right. Or, you know, it will get people like you in jail for doing what they asked you to do.


GLENN: It’s not right.

LUTTRELL: I’d really, I’d rather be over in the battlefield and be killed over there than be in the court system here…

Read the entire interview here.

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