I have a dream…and a nightmare

Sissy Willis

Democratic presidential nominee, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., delivers his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Thursday, Aug. 28, 2008. (AP Photo/The Rocky Mountain News, Brian Lehmann)

Watch behind you; remember you’re just a man!” Victor Davis Hanson tried to warn Barack Obama on the eve of his “I Am the Dream” acceptance speech at Mile High Stadium in Denver (above) two years ago on the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

“But perhaps the greatest consideration is Obama’s Hellenic hubris, which is different than simple arrogance,” wrote Victor Davis Hanson in late August of 2008 with rare insight into the character of the man who would become our 44th President. First a few words from the great military historian and then our own reading of the entrails, the dream and the nightmare of our blogtitle. Here’s Hanson back then:

Hubris is a sort of fit, a haughtiness steeped in delusions of grandeur and divinity that takes over a weak individual, and soon encourages recklessness and overreaching (atê), all culminating in ruin and divine retribution (nemesis).

Go figure: Obama/Oedipus goes to Berlin. There he speaks in front of a grandiose Victory Column commemorating Prussian arrogance … He reviews American sins … Meanwhile an Ethel in Tulare turns on the TV and sees thousands of Europeans (who habitually make fun of her country) applaud Obama — and makes the logical assumption that they apparently think he is one of them, rather than one of us.

Next, drunk with pride, Obama thinks that such a losing paradigm (again, really a warning from the gods) apparently was not only successful, but will work again in Denver. So he transfers his speech to an outdoor forum, where tens of thousands of raving fans can watch him apotheosize in front of a faux Doric temple and accept nomination…

…Meanwhile, in the wake of two years — and counting! — of unrelenting persecution by that same commentariat, Mama Grizzly Sarah “Don’t retreat, instead RELOAD!” Palin has emerged stronger than ever, the President’s most persistent and effectualgadfly, first among equals of our Tea Party rabble in armsdisintermediating the powers that be and their allies in the legacy media via the internet, Fox News and on-the-ground appearances. Everything she says or does goes viral online and in the gateway media, who can’t resist documenting her every move, if only to snark. We don’t know President Obama’s plans for this 47th anniversary of MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech, but Palin celebrated with Glenn Beck and a multitude of “God’s almost chosen people” — as Lincoln called this nation of believers in America’s exceptionalism — for Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally at the Lincoln Memorial this morning in a salute to “the good things in America.”…

“They tell me there are at least 1,000 people here, quipped a joyously weeping Glenn Beck as he mounted the stage at his “Restoring Honor” rally at the Lincoln Memorial this morning. “We are humbled that you are here …

Read Sissy’s entire article at sisu.

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