In second term, Obama will allow UN to tax Americans

Dick Morris

It should come as no surprise that President Obama will raise taxes if he is re-elected. But here’s the shocker: He will invite the United Nations to tax Americans directly. And the proceeds would go directly to the Third World. In this way, Barack Obama will, indeed, realize the dreams of his father…

…Here is what we say in “Black Helicopters” that Obama, Hillary, and the UN are planning for us:

  • A “Robin Hood” tax on financial transactions.  Every time you buy or sell a stock or a bond or exchange money while travelling, you’d be hit with a financial transactions tax (a percentage of your transaction) that would go to the UN.
  • A global tobacco tax with the funds to flow to the World Health Organization (WHO).
  • A UN-imposed tax on billionaires all over the world. And don’t delude yourself for a moment that it is only the 1600 current billionaires who will be hit.  Once the precedent of a UN tax on US citizens is approved, it will gradually grow downwards to cover more and more Americans.  Again the funds will go to the UN.
  • Under the Law of the Sea Treaty – up for Senate ratification in December of the lame duck session – offshore oil and gas wells would have to pay a proportion of their revenues to the International Seabed Authority, a UN-sponsored organization, which would distribute the loot to the third world…

Read the entire article at

Related: $100 million man — Gore to be govt billionaire?! Al Gore has thrived as green-tech investor — ‘Benefited from more than $2.5 billion in loans, grants and tax breaks’, as part of Obama’s stimulus, via Climate Depot.

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