Fraud: Gore takes $100m in oil money in Current TV sale to Al-Jazeera
Glenn Beck
More details on TheBlaze’s efforts to purchase Current TV were revealed in the opening moments of the radio show. Details HERE
In a stunning development yesterday Al Gore sold his TV network, Current, to Osama bin Laden mouthpiece Al Jazeera. TheBlaze TV actually inquired when Current went up for sale but were rejected by Gore because he wanted to sell Current to someone ‘aligned’ with his values. Naturally Gore felt totally comfortable with the terror tape network that is Al Jazeera.
“I want to talk about Al Gore here for a second, a guy who was 537 votes away from being the president of the United States during September 11th, has just sold Current TV to Al‑Jazeera. And I want to quote directly from the Wall Street Journal story. ‘Mr. Hyatt’ ‑‑ that’s Al Gore’s partner ‑‑ ‘agreed to sell Al‑Jazeera in part because, quote, Al‑Jazeera was founded with the same goals we had for Current, including to give voice to those whose voices are not typically heard and to speak truth to power’,” Glenn said.
“Al‑Jazeera is speaking truth to the American power and their truth is Osama Bin Laden’s truth, is the Muslim Brotherhood’s truth. Really? Other suitors who didn’t share Current’s ideology were rebuffed,” he continued.
“So listen to that. If you didn’t share their ideology which they said Al‑Jazeera does, they wouldn’t even listen to you,” Glenn said. “We didn’t align with them, but Al‑Jazeera did.”
Glenn verified that the quote in the Wall Street Journal was accurate.
Pat and the rest of the radio crew emphasized that Gore was 537 votes away from becoming President in 2001, one of the darkest times in America’s history, and yet “he’s aligned apparently with the people who are spewing anti‑American propaganda” for over a decade.
Glenn was also shocked that Gore, who became an evangelist for global warming after leaving office, could sell his network to Qatar. The state, which owns Al-Jazeera, derives most of its wealth from oil and natural gas.
“The guy, the guy is so, let me be kind, enigmatic that he can be the (vice) president of the United States and yet align himself with Al‑Jazeera, that he can say ‘Global warming, it’s, we’re tired of waiting, we’re tired of these big companies, we’re tired of the lies, we’re tired of this industry’ and then he can sell his cable channel to an oil‑rich country that their money ‑ how did the government of Qatar afford the $500 million? How did they do that? Oil, what he is going against, that’s the money ‑ he has blood money. If you believe in global warming the way he does and that it is imperative that it stops now, he has just taken blood money.”
“You would think that he has no principles,” he added….
The article continues at
Update: Al Gore & al Jizz: so what are those shared goals and values?
Limbaugh: Gore ‘Took the Oil Money as Opposed to the Beck Bucks!’ That’s the same Goracle who rallied against big oil for over a decade….. Tim Blair nails it: Big Oil Pays Fat Al…
Imagine if LBJ had sold his wife’s station to the Viet Cong’s ‘Liberation Radio’. “It’s like that,” writes Canadian blogger Kathy Shaidle. Read it!