…No. Not Halloween…
Obama Administration Pushing H1N1 Flu Shot
Anita MonCrief
Emerging Corruption
It’s that time of year again – Flu Season. This year Americans need to be aware of some key facts about the much-hyped flu vaccine that administration officials have already begun “advertising about.” The Obama administration has decided that every American should take the shot.
“Federal health officials for the first time are recommending all people ages 6 months and older get flu shots this fall, instead of just those with the highest risk of serious complications.
More doses of flu vaccine are available nationwide now than ever before.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has always suggested that anyone who wants to avoid the flu should get the shot, said Paul Biedrzycki, director of disease control and environmental health for the Milwaukee Health Department.
‘But the CDC in the past branded flu season as something for the elderly,’ he said.”
The article goes on to state that because of the H1N1 “pandemic” of 2009 that Federal officials believe that:
“The first influenza pandemic in 40 years officially has ended, but the 2009 H1N1 virus is still out there. This year’s vaccine – widely available now – provides protection from three flu strains, including the pandemic H1N1, an H3N2 virus and an influenza B virus.”
Read the rest at Emerging Corruption.
Australian Fluvax ban extended for children (6/2/2010)