Leftist Jihad Against Pamela Geller

American Power

At Atlas Shrugs, “All Death Threats Are Not Created Equal“:

This video was posted at a hate site dedicated to threatening and smearing Pamela Geller. I did not want to link to the hate site, so I am reposting this video here for reference. I believe that it is vitally important to document and bring to public attention the viciousness and hatefulness of Islamic supremacists and their allies in the U.S., and the danger they pose to free citizens. This video illustrates all of that with revolting and chilling vividness

Check the whole thing. It turns out that Daisy Kahn has allegedly received one death threat, by phone, and the New York media has been all over the story with front-page news. Pamela, on the other hand, is the target of an endless campaign of eliminationist threats, and media coverage? Not so much…

Read the rest of the article at American Power. You will be stunned at the vitriol and filth directed at Ms. Geller.

Update: American Thinker’s “Paris Video Shows the Future of Ground Zero” seems appropriate here. It helps to demonstrate why Pamela Geller and others are fighting the Ground Zero Mega-mosque and capitulation to radical Islam.

Paris Video Shows the Future of Ground Zero
Stella Paul

Let’s cut to the chase, shall we? The mysterious Mideast patrons of the Ground Zero Mosque expect to get a lot of bang for their petrobucks — $100 million’s worth, in fact.

It’s our job to figure out exactly what form that bang will take. We already know that the Victory Mosque of the Nineteen Martyrs will be the greatest symbol of Islamic conquest since 705 CE — the landmark year when the al-Aqsa Mosque was thrust over the obliterated remains of the First and Second Holy Temples of the Jews in Jerusalem.

And we know, of course, that sharia will be preached there, as it is in 80% of the new mosques in America, all funded by Saudi plutocrats to spread the delightful barbarities of wahhabism. For Americans who enjoy forced child marriages, polygamy, honor killings, and other brutalities against women, Jews, gays, Christians, and infidels — well, the future’s so bright they’ve got to wear shades…

Click this link to view the video from Paris by “Maxime Leplante.”

…On the hallowed streets where George Washington’s ragtag troops first heard the Declaration of Independence read aloud in 1776 and then, burning with patriotism, stormed to the statue of King George III and pulled it down — these fanatics will run amok, burning with jihad, looking to pull down the foundations of democracy.

On the street where a weeping George Washington bade farewell to his retiring officers in 1783, after miraculously defeating the British, these death-loving zealots will take up the cry of never-ending warfare against our freedom.

On the street where George Washington took the oath as first President of the United States, with “fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the universe” who providentially led them to “the character of an independent nation,” these shock troops of Allah will seek to bring us all under his eternal caliphate….

Read the whole thing at American Thinker.

H/T to Blazing Cat Fur for this item in today’s news: Police Make 12 Terror Arrests In France.

Police have arrested 12 people and seized guns and ammunition following two separate anti-terrorism raids in southern France. Those arrested are suspected of having links with Muslim extremists, it has been reported.

Nine men were detained around the southern cities of Marseille and Avignon on suspicion of trafficking firearms and explosives.

A Kalashnikov rifle and a pump-action shotgun were said to be among the arsenal discovered.

Three others were arrested in a separate operation…It is understood the cell planned to supply shelter and fake ID papers to jihadists attempting to return to France after undergoing training on the Afghan-Pakistan border…

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