Lindsey Stone, Plymouth Woman, Takes Photo At Arlington National Cemetery, Causes Fury On Facebook

Cavan Sieczkowski
The Huffington Post

Two women have been placed on unpaid leave from their jobs after a Facebook photo taken at Arlington National Cemetery angered thousands online and led to a petition for their resignation.

Lindsey Stone, of Plymouth, Mass., was on a work-paid trip to Arlington National Cemetery in October when she posed for the photo in question, CBS Boston reported. In the photo, Stone stands at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider next to a sign that reads “Silence and Respect,” giving the middle finger and pretending to yell. She then posted the picture to her Facebook page.

The photo, which was taken by a co-worker of Stone’s, went viral as online users criticized Stone for her insensitivity, according to the station.

Stone attempted to quash the outrage in a Facebook response.

“Whoa whoa whoa… wait,” she wrote on Oct. 20, according to Gawker. “This is just us, being the douchebags that we are, challenging authority in general. Much like the pic posted the night before, of me smoking right next to a no smoking sign. OBVIOUSLY we meant NO disrespect to people that serve or have served our country.”…

The article continues at The Huffington Post.

Related: Father Of Woman Flipping Bird To Arlington Memorial Says Daughter ‘Sorry’ 

Update: The Award For Douchebag Of The Week Goes To…..


This photo of Lindsey Stone at Arlington National Cemetery landed the LIFE employee in hot water on Facebook and with her employers.

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