Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich forced to resign for supporting traditional marriage laws

Joel Gehrke
The Washington Examiner

Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich resigned under pressure after gay rights activists demanded that he step down or recant his support of traditional marriage laws.

Eich donated $1,000 to support Proposition 8, the California ballot initiative that amended the state’s constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman.

“I don’t want to talk about my personal beliefs because I kept them out of Mozilla all these 15 years we’ve been going,” Eich told The Guardian. “I don’t believe they’re relevant.”

That wasn’t an option…


The article continues at The Washington Examiner.


 Related:  Eich is Out. So is Tolerance.

…The outrageous response is the result of one private, personal campaign contribution to support marriage as a male-female union, a view affirmed at the time by President Barack Obama, then-Sen.  Hillary Clinton, and countless other prominent officials. After all, Prop 8 passed with the support of 7 million California voters.

So was President Obama a bigot back when he supported marriage as the union of a man and woman? And is characterizing political disagreement on this issue—no matter how thoughtfully expressed—as hate speech really the way to find common ground and peaceful co-existence?…


Update:  Pelosi’s Hack Offspring Celebrates Mozilla CEO Being Persecuted For His Religious Beliefs…

When asked to defend why it’s OK to discriminate, all she can say is it’s a “lie.”…

Update 2: Mozilla CEO Forced To Resign Over Conservative Values; Truth Revolt Launches Petition


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