- Activists claim there have been nearly 20 attacks in the last 10 days
- Country has seen rise in mob sex attacks on protestors in the last year
- Demonstrators in Tahrir Square yesterday protested against a draft constitution approved by allies of President Morsi
- Muslim Brotherhood today marched in support of the president
Ruth Whitehead
The Daily Mail [UK]
1 December 2012
Egypt’s ruling party is paying gangs of thugs to sexually assault women protesting in Cairo’s Tahrir Square against President Mohamed Morsi, activists said.
They also said the Muslim Brotherhood is paying gangs to beat up men who are taking part in the latest round of protests, which followed a decree by President Morsi to give himself sweeping new powers.
It comes as the Muslim Brotherhood co-ordinated a demonstration today in support of President Mohamed Morsi, who is rushing through a constitution to try to defuse opposition fury over his newly expanded powers.
Just 24 hours earlier around 200,000 people gathered in Tahrir Square, the heart of last year’s revolution which toppled President Hosni Mubarak, yesterday to protest against a new draft constitution.
Large marches from around Cairo flowed into the square, chanting ‘Constitution: Void!’ and The people want to bring down the regime.’
But amid the calls for democracy a sinister threat has emerged…
The article continues, with video, at The Daily Mail.
H/T JammieWearingFools: “Just a reminder, these are the same animals who met with White House officials earlier this year…”
Egyptian feminist activist Nawal El Saadawi joined the “Smiley and West Show” on December 1st to talk about the Arab spring and the United States’ involvement in bringing it to an end. Saadawi, who was actively involved in the revolution, tells progressives Tavis Smiley & Cornel West that the Obama administration and, specifically Hillary Clinton, worked with military and the Muslim Brotherhood to “abort” Egypt’s revolution. Saadawi went on to say that Hillary Clinton and the Muslim Brotherhood are now “twins” for their involvement in prematurely ending the revolution and delivering Egypt into the hand of religious extremists…
I’m sure if Israel decided it was going to allow slavery the Obama administration would remain silent…