Andrew P. Napolitano
The Washington Times
…Obamacare, which has been upheld by the Supreme Court under a superficial and novel theory that permits the feds to regulate natural rights by taxing us when we do not do as they have commanded, requires all employers of 50 or more full-time workers to obtain for them health insurance that pays for birth control via contraception, sterilization and abortion.
The Little Sisters of the Poor is an order of Roman Catholic nuns who have taken vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. They operate nursing homes for those who cannot afford them and employ more than 50 people.
The sisters have objected to the requirement that they must pay for health insurance coverage that provides for birth control, as those payments directly violate Catholic teachings and beliefs.
In a pluralistic society, one would expect that the government would accommodate the sisters. In a free society in which everyone who works for the government takes an oath to uphold the Constitution, the feds have a legal obligation to accommodate them.
In a political society in which many Catholics are Democrats who elected the Congress that gave us Obamacare, one would expect an accommodation. We expect in vain, though, as the federal government has resisted the sisters mightily and asked the courts to turn down their pleas.
What is wrong with Mr. Obama that he would employ lawyers to do this?…
…Where are the Catholic Democrats in Congress who voted for this monstrosity? Why are they silent or tacitly with the president? Where are all good people of conscience in this great clash between the nuns faithful to God and the president to politics?…
Read the entire editorial at The Washington Times.
Update: An editorial by David Limbaugh, Imperial, lawless Obama threatens more unilateral action
This week, once again, we heardPresident Obama defiantly pronounce that he has no intention of letting a little thing like constitutional checks and balances get in his way and interrupt his royal prerogative.
“We are not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help that they need,” said Obama. “I’ve got a pen, and I’ve got a phone.”
What other president has ever talked like this?…
Also, King Barack: “I Can Act On My Own Without Congress”
Update 2: The Employer Mandate A primer from ObamaCare Watch
ObamaCare’s employer mandate is among the new laws most anti-growth provisions. When implemented, it will force most American businesses to offer government-approved health insurance to their employees or else pay new federal taxes for not doing so. This costly new requirement will make it more expensive for firms to hire workers in the future. Consequently, it will destroy jobs, and many firms are likely to slow down on hiring in anticipation of its implementation.
“Free-Rider” Provision
ObamaCare does not impose a straight-forward requirement that employers offer health insurance to workers. Proponents of the new law wanted to avoid the charge that the new law was directly imposing new costs on American business. So, instead, they created a back-door mandate, what they call the “free-rider” provision.
If a firm with at least 50 workers has a full-time employee who is getting federally-subsided insurance through an ”exchange,” then that employer must pay a penalty for failing to offer that worker acceptable insurance on the job. (Workers that are offered qualified coverage by an employer are ineligible for the new insurance subsidies provided in the exchanges.)
The tax is scheduled to begin in 2014 and the Congressional Budget Office estimates it will bring in approximately $10 billion in annual revenue once it’s fully implemented…
Read the whole thing.
Also, Survey: Obamacare may boost cost of employer-sponsored health benefits next year
…Some larger employers will take steps to control growth in enrollment by making workers pay more for dependent coverage or employee-only coverage.
The survey found some large employers impose a surcharge on premium contributions of employees for dependent coverage if their spouses have other coverage available. Some employers refuse to provide benefits to spouses who are eligible for coverage elsewhere, according to Mercer…
Obama Proclaims ‘Religious Freedom Day’ While Fighting 91 Religious Liberty Lawsuits