“This is an issue federal government shouldn’t be touching at all.”
August 14, 2009
By Chelsea Schilling
World Net Daily
No powers can be exercised by the Congress which are prohibited by the Constitution or which are contrary to its spirit.
– Justice John McLean, Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857
Is a federal government takeover of the health care system constitutional?
Some argue that under the Constitution, Congress is not authorized to regulate or subsidize health care.
Michael Boldin, founder of The Tenth Amendment Center, told WND that if citizens want to understand whether health care is constitutional, they must first understand the function of the Constitution.
“The best way to look at it is that it doesn’t apply to you,” he said. “It doesn’t apply to me. It doesn’t apply to any person at all. It applies to the government, and it sets the boundaries of what government is supposed to do.”
Enumerated powers
In debating whether health care is constitutional, Boldin said citizens must look to the founding document to 1) determine whether the power is specifically listed there, or 2) if there isn’t a specific power listed, look to the “Necessary and Proper Clause,” or Article I, Section 8, clause 18…
To read the complete article go to What does the Constitution say?