Jonah Goldberg
Los Angeles Times
…what was once taboo has become undeniable. Even the New Yorker’s David Remnick, author of a loving biography of Obama, tells Der Spiegel, “Obama has a considerable ego.”
And here’s Time’s Mark Halperin: “With the exception of core Obama administration loyalists, most politically engaged elites have reached the same conclusion: The White House is in over its head, isolated, insular, arrogant and clueless about how to get along with or persuade members of Congress, the media, the business community or working-class voters.”
Halperin’s diagnosis was inevitable, given Obama’s conviction that he represented a movement that was larger than politics or even the presidency. After all, this was the man who, as a candidate, descended on Berlin as the leader of a worldwide cause that transcended national borders. And when asked in a debate what his greatest weakness was, he plumbed his soul and answered that he was disorganized. “My desk and my office doesn’t look good,” he said.
Of course, all presidents have healthy egos. You cannot become president, or even think you’re qualified to run, if you don’t think highly of yourself. Obama’s arrogance problem isn’t a matter of psychology but of strategy.
When Arkansas Democratic Rep. Marion Berry complained that healthcare reform felt like a replay of the Hillarycare debacle, Obama explained that the big difference between then and now was “me.” In other words, the White House’s plan for making everything work out was an unyielding confidence in the power of Obama’s own cult of personality…
…”You know, I actually believe my own [bull],” Obama told the author of “Renegade,” Richard Wolffe.
Exactly. And that why he’s gotten into this mess.
Read the whole thing at the LA Times.
H/T where they note: Good News!! It’s not racist to call Obama arrogant anymore.(L.A. bumper sticker: I’m not racist. The white half of him sucks too.)