
William A. Jacobson
Legal Insurrection

The normally supportive commentariat is not happy, for a variety of reasons:

My law school classmate Ruth Marcus, WaPo, Obama’s unsettling attack on the Supreme Court: “I would lament a ruling striking down the individual mandate, but I would not denounce it as conservative justices run amok.  Listening to the arguments and reading the transcript, the justices struck me as a group wrestling with a legitimate, even difficult, constitutional question.  For the president to imply that the only explanation for a constitutional conclusion contrary to his own would be out-of-control conservative justices does the court a disservice.”…

The article continues at Legal Insurrection

Update: Americans Want More Control Over Their Own Health Care. ObamaCare’s popular provisions lose their appeal once Americans are confronted with the consequences.

…any reform has to be based on the correct diagnosis of the problem. The administration’s main argument for ObamaCare’s mandate—that unless every freeloader is forced to buy coverage, we won’t be able to control spiraling health care costs—is a total red herring. The cost of uncompensated emergency care in America adds up to only about $40.7 billion annually, less than 3 percent of the country’s total health care spending…

…Worse, a joint Reason-Rupe poll released last week found that the misnamed Affordable Care Act—a.k.a. ObamaCare—imposed trade-offs that Americans were simply unwilling to accept. The act’s supporters insist that even though a majority of Americans view the overall law unfavorably, many of its specific provisions are quite popular. But the problem is that most polls pose questions in a vacuum, without actually confronting Americans with the consequences of their choices…

Read the whole thing.

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