3 November 2011

Occupy Oakland protesters pass a burning garbage heap during a confrontation with police on Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011, in Oakland, CA. AP Photo/Noah Berger. Click on the image to enlarge. H/T Weasel Zippers.
‘Confused’ Oakland Police Slam Mayor’s Handling of Occupy Protests, ‘Strike’
Tiffany Gabbay
The Blaze
If protesting for weeks on end were not enough, Occupy Oakland is now organizing a general strike to “liberate Oakland and shut down the 1%” — and sadly, Mayor Jean Quan seems to be on board. The City of Oakland has advised all businesses to “leave the cash drawer empty and open after business hours” and has even given all city employees off — except the police that is.
The understandably confounded Oakland Police Officers Association posted the following open letter to Quan on their site, questioning why the city plans to beef up its police presence at strike-related events while giving other city workers an opportunity to participate in the strikes themselves.
“Is it the City’s intention to have City employees on both sides of a skirmish line?” the letter said…
The article continues, with video, at The Blaze.
Oakland Occupiers Go On A Rampage…
Weasel Zippers
Of course, because didn’t all tea party events devolve into mayhem? Errr, maybe not.

A masked Occupy Oakland protester smashes a window at a Wells Fargo Bank in Oakland during a citywide general strike on November 2, 2011 in California. (AFP Photo) Click on the image to enlarge.

A masked Occupy Oakland protester smashes a window at a Wells Fargo Bank in Oakland during a citywide general strike on November 2, 2011 in California. (AFP Photo) Click on the image to enlarge.
The article, with several more photos, continues at Weasel Zippers.
Live from Occupy Oakland: Window smashing, vandalism, and more; charter buses to port, Teamsters in the house; port shut down, trucks overrun
Michelle Malkin
I’m starting a fresh thread on tonight’s Occupy Oakland “strike.” (Previous post and background here.)
They’ve welcomed the Black Panthers and Communist revolutionary thug Angela Davis, and are currently marching to the Port of Oakland.
Various sympathizers and observers are tweeting live. Mother Jones reports that the Oakland Whole Foods store — after being falsely accused of threatening to punish workers who walked out on the job today — has been vandalized.
One person on scene writes: “Straight into window breaking and street furniture smashing at whole foods. #generalstrike #occupyoaklandwindow breaking and street furniture smashing at whole foods.”
Whole Foods is defending itself online. To no avail.
A big mob dressed in black is roaming around the streets. They’ve sprayed graffiti on the walls of businesses.
Wells Fargo windows have also been reportedly smashed.
Chase Bank vandalized…
Read the rest at MichelleMalkin.com
Also at MichelleMalkin.com, Occupy Seattle: Arrests, pepper spray, CNN – “Like a scene out of the French revolution”
…A CNN reporter tweeted:
About Time: Cops Teargassing Occupy Oakland, at Blazing Cat Fur.
Liberal Media on #Occupy Oakland Mob Violence: “A Day of Mostly Peaceful Rallies Against Economic Inequality”, at GatewayPundit.
Reuters described the mass mob violence and rioting by Occupy protesters yesterday as:
“A day of mostly peaceful rallies against economic inequality and police brutality.”…
This what #Occupy Protesters Call Victory?!?!, at Gay Patriot
Occupy Wall Street protesters have shut down operations for the day at one of the nation’s busiest shipping ports.
Video from Russia Today, Occupy Oakland clashes: Video of masked youths smashing windows
Update: Unhappy Campers at #OccupyWallStreet: ‘I’m Leaving Today Because This is No Longer Safe’ , a video at Big Government in which you may recognize Channing Kehoe.
Also, Occupy Portland Protester Pushes Police Officer In Front Of Moving Bus…