Quote of the day

20 December 2010

It was difficult to decide which post was more bizarre so, in the spirit of Christmas, we included them both. Because you can never say “WTF?” too often…

Via Sister Toldjah (Parents, send the children out of the room first. NPR is now a Soros network and this is pretty rough language.):

“I was at – forgive the expression – a Christmas party.“  Liberal NPR journalist Nina Totenberg, on Inside Washington this weekend.

And, at Blazing Cat Fur:


Go to BCF to find out for yourself what that’s all about. And “Feed the Kitty” while you’re there if you can. Our fellow truth-teller is being sued under Canada’s draconian “hate speech” laws…for l-i-n-k-i-n-g to an article by Mark Steyn…

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