Remember We’ve Been Here Before...

Since Forever Democrats Have Been Pushing Their Socialist Agenda

Jim Hoft




…Remember this in the days ahead.
We’ve been here before.
We’ve met similar challenges before.
And we came out victorious.

Read the story of “Ode to a Welfare State” at GatewayPundit.


A larger view of the page is here.

CAJ note: Here is an excerpt from the 1949 speech:

…The reactionaries hold that government policies should be designed for the special benefit of small groups of people who occupy positions of wealth and influence. Their theory seems to be that if these groups are prosperous, they will pass along some of their prosperity to the rest of us. This can be described as the “trickle down theory.”

The vast majority of us reject that theory as totally wrong.

We know that there will be more prosperity for all if all groups have a fair share of the wealth of the country. We know that the country will achieve economic stability and progress only if the benefits of our production are widely distributed among all its citizens.

We believe that it is the Federal Government’s obligation, under the Constitution, to promote the general welfare of all our people–and not just a privileged few.

The policies we advocate are based on these convictions.

We maintain that farmers, like businessmen, should receive a fair price for the products they sell.

We maintain that workers are entitled to good wages and to equality of bargaining power with their employers.

We believe that cooperatives and small business should have a fair opportunity to achieve success, and should not be smothered by monopolies.

We hold that our great natural resources should be protected and developed for the benefit of all our people, and not exploited for private greed.

We believe that old people and the disabled should have an assured income to keep them from being dependent on charity.

We believe that families should have protection against loss of income resulting from accident, illness, or unemployment.

We hold that our citizens should have decent housing at prices they can afford to pay.

We believe in assuring educational opportunities for all our young people in order that we may have an enlightened citizenry.

We believe in better health and medical care for everyone–not for just a few.

We hold that all Americans are entitled to equal rights and equal opportunities under the law, and to equal participation in our national life, free from fear and discrimination.

Now, my friends, these are the policies that spell the progress for all our people. They are the best assurance of prosperity for everyone–including the very people who attack them most bitterly. These policies mean more democracy in this country, and not less. They mean more personal freedom for all Americans, and not less. They are our stanch shield against communism and against every other form of totalitarianism. They are the means by which we will achieve the better world we all seek.

Nevertheless, there are people who oppose these policies. There are people who are afraid of more democracy and greater freedom for all our citizens today, just as there were in Jefferson’s time. There are people who contend that these programs for the general welfare will cost too much…


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