Politicizing the FBI and the CIA
Leading the Congressional charge to get to the bottom of the Benghazi scandal, Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) levels a very serious charge. He tells LibertyNEWS.com that the Obama administration is misusing both the FBI and the CIA, hampering efforts to learn the truth about what really happened in Benghazi, Libya.
Part 2 of the interview with Congressman Frank Wolf:
Virginia Congressman Frank Wolf is leading the charge to establish a Select Committee of the House to dig for the truth behind the Benghazi scandal. In part two of our exclusive interview with the veteran lawmaker, Norvell Rose of LibertyNEWS.com asked Wolf what was really going on at the Benghazi compound when it was attacked a year ago.
H/T Grassfire where a special FaxFire has been set up for citizens to help give the group a platform to call on key members of the House and Senate to demand the truth.