Romney Appoints ObamaCare Supporter To Head His Transition Effort

Ace of Spades HQ

Mike Leavitt, former Governor of Utah and HHS Secretary Under George W. Bush, is heading up planning for Mitt Romney’s transition effort should Romney win.

It turns out he’s a big supporter of ObamaCare and has been fighting to have states implement the “exchanges” which are the mechanism the federal government will use to regulate personal insurance once the law is fully in force…

…So Leavitt’s concern about ObamaCare was that Kathleen Sebilius might not be aggressive enough in using the power given to her by ObamaCare? Was that your first reaction or the reaction of any conservative/Republican you know?

Romney’s camp says don’t worry, only Mitt makes decisions and he’s on board with repeal.

Romney says the right things about ObamaCare (usually) but his actions on healthcare reform, including picking a transition director who is thought to be a leading candidate to be his Chief of Staff often are at odds with his words.

I was torn about whether or not to post this but I think it’s important enough. I was on a self-imposed hiatus from posting about Mitt for most of the primary season. I’m happy to help by hitting the MFM, Obama and The Democrats but saying something nice about Mitt is usually a bridge too far for me. Since he’s “our” guy though, I wasn’t looking for reasons to hit him.

I’m not trying to re-litigate the primaries. Mitt won and we have to make the best of that. But I seem to remember the deal was if we nominate Mitt we would have to hold his feet to the fire. Well, this is one of those times. If we don’t do it now because we have to beat Obama, we’ll never do it. There will always be a reason to cut him some slack. We either are serious about keeping him on the straight and narrow or not.

Personnel is often policy, especially when it’s the guy staffing the whole administration…

…Can you imagine in 2008 if Obama named as his transition director someone who supported the Bush Tax cuts? No you can’t. Why should we accept this?

Read the complete article at Ace of Spades HQ.

Update: Mark Levin: We’re gonna have to work really really hard to drag Romney to the right

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