Senator Rand Paul
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Friday, April 26, Sen. Rand Paul issued a letter [PDF] to Secretary of State John Kerry requesting that instances of waste, misuse and theft of U.S. foreign aid be investigated and then made public. During Secretary Kerry’s testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on April 18, he pledged to investigate any instances of waste and theft of foreign aid. Sen. Paul believes these instances of waste and abuse should be transparent for the American people to judge for themselves whether the benefits of our taxpayer-funded aid is worth the costs…
…There is still something more insidious than wasted aid – and that is aid sent to countries that burn our flag, storm our embassies, target our diplomats, and chant “death to America” in the streets. There is simply no compelling moral or political argument to continue to fund countries whose citizens feel the destruction of the United States is in their national interest. I agree with President Obama when he says that our tax dollars should be used for nation building here at home, rather than nation building overseas…
The complete text of the Senator’s letter is at his official site,