Batman and Evil

Ben Domenech Ricochet 7/20/2012

…I wasn’t a fan of comics. I was a fan of Batman. Because Batman, unlike the others, really understood evil in all its varied forms… and because he was, from my childlike perspective, the only hero who inhabited the real world. You’ve read the pieces about how much it would cost […]

Interview With James Michael Holmes, Hispanic Tea Party Member Falsely Accused by ABC News

Joel B. Pollak Big Government 20 Jul 2012

Falsely accused James Michael Holmes.

Breitbart News spoke to James Michael Holmes, the Tea Party member falsely identified this morning by ABC News’ Brian Ross and George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America as the possible suspect in the mass shooting early this morning at […]

Creators behind movie villain declare Romney is Bruce Wayne/Batman

Glenn Beck 7/18/2012

As Batman-mania hits the world this week with the movie release of The Dark Knight Rises, leftists are quick to make the connection between the villain “Bane” and Romney’s Bain. Aren’t they clever? Too bad for them, the creators of the “Bane” character have squashed this idea. Stu and Pat discuss how […]
