The ISIS Effect: 'Flattened; Everything is Gone'

Elizabeth Scalia The Anchoress 7/22/2014

…Our encounter occurred just as he’d finished communicating with sources on the ground, people who are seeing much more than we’re being told. Michael dared not say much, but he related this from the Syrian Maronite Bishop Sleiman, a sense of things as they are: “Flattened. Everything is just flattened. […]

Muslim Brotherhood: Egypt’s Christians Must ‘Convert, Pay Tribute, or Leave’

Matthew Clark The American Center for Law and Justice 6/5/2012

According to a popular Egyptian website, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Egyptian presidential candidate, Mohammed Morsi, has stated that Christians will be forced to “convert, pay tribute, or leave.”

When asked about Coptic Christians in Egypt, Morsi reportedly told a journalist, “They have to know that the […]
