Drill, Brazil, Drill?

The very same fossil fuel that Obama incessantly eschews when it comes from American territory, he embraces when it comes from Brazil.

Ed Morrissey HotAir.com 3/22/2011

For a man who opposes domestic production of American crude oil in the oceans, Barack Obama seems awfully eager to push Brazil into the kind of exploration […]

Interior inspector general: White House skewed drilling-ban report

The report was written to favor the moratorium, the Interior inspector general says.

Dan Berman Politico 11/9/2010

The White House rewrote crucial sections of an Interior Department report to suggest an independent group of scientists and engineers supported a six-month ban on offshore oil drilling, the Interior inspector general says in a new report.

In […]

Stealth ban on Gulf drilling

Steve Hargreaves CNN.com 6/26/2010

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) — The offshore drilling ban imposed after the BP disaster is only supposed to hit operations in deep water — 500 feet or more.

But drillers in shallow water say they haven’t been issued permits since the April 20 explosion. The delay has already forced hundreds of layoffs, […]
