Convicted Felon and Democrat Strategist Robert Creamer Visits White House Five Times in August–Tie to #Occupy?

Joel B. Pollak Big Government 11/29/2011

Michelle Malkin reports today, based on the Obama administration’s latest document dump of visitor logs, that convicted fraudster and community organizer Robert Creamer has visited the White House sixty times since January 2009–five times in August 2011 alone.

As first reported at Big Government, Creamer is the apparent architect […]

Deputy A.G. behind ‘Fast and Furious’ Met With President Obama Four Times During the Height of the Operation

Jammie Jammie Wearing Fools 11/28/2011

In early 2010, Gary Grindler was intimately involved in all aspects of Operation Fast and Furious. During the height of the operation, Grindler visited the President on four separate occasions in only two weeks — his only documented meetings with the president at the White House.

So my question is […]

Schakowsky: Americans ‘Don’t Deserve to Keep’ All Their Money

“I thought it was really shameful in talking about Barack Obama as not good on Israel. He has provided more security for the state of Israel than any other president.”

~Rep. Jan Schakowsky referring to former NYC Mayor Ed Koch’s involvement in the special election in NY-9

Publius Big […]

Reagan vs the Anti-Reagan on Healthcare

Van Helsing Moonbattery 10/20/2010

Ronaldus Maximus warned us about ObamaCare long ago:

The nice thing about being on the side of good is you don’t have to obfuscate and prevaricate. Reagan stood for freedom. Comrade Obama stands for a murky swamp of euphemisms and lies.

Update: From

From now until Election Day, we […]

Isn’t she really just more of the same?

3 September 2010

With all due respect to our PUMA friends and the HillBuzzBoys but, from where we stand, this looks like just more of the same for America:

This was uploaded to YouTube on 9/1/2010 with the note, “This is the version to be submitted to NBC’s legal department for approval.” Interesting comments […]

Health care bargaining ‘the Chicago Way’?

Is the Obama administration playing politics with our national security to pass the President’s health care agenda?

H/T 883- Glenn Beck Program 12-16-09 Seg5 of 6, 882- Glenn Beck Program 12-16-09 Seg6 of 6

