State Department IG Investigating Huma Abedin’s Job Under Hillary Clinton

Alyssa Canobbio The Washington Free Beacon 4/10/2015

The State Department Inspector General is now investigating the arrangement between Huma Abedin and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Inspector Steve Linick is looking into the program that allowed Clinton to hire Abedin for government work even though she was employed by a private firm.

In May 2013, […]

State Department approved 215 Bill Clinton speeches, controversial consulting deal, worth $48m; Hillary Clinton’s COS copied on all decisions

Luke Rosiak and Micah Morrison The Washington Examiner 7/30/2014

A joint investigation by the Washington Examiner and the nonprofit watchdog group Judicial Watch found that former President Clinton gave 215 speeches and earned $48 million while his wife presided over U.S. foreign policy, raising questions about whether the Clintons fulfilled ethics agreements related to the […]

Huma Abedin fails to respond to Senator’s inquiry into her work for private contractor while she was still working for Hillary at the State Department

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), wrote Abedin and the State Department last month demanding details by June 27 on a part-time job that Abedin held while serving as a top aide to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Dan Friedman The New York Daily News 7/5/2013

Huma Abedin, the wife Democratic mayoral hopeful Anthony Weiner, has […]

Sen. Grassley questions Huma Abedin’s employment status

Weiner wife Abedin being probed over employment status

Geoff Earle The New York Post 6/14/2013

One of the Senate’s most aggressive investigators is probing longtime Hillary Rodham Clinton aide Huma Abedin’s employment status, asking how she got a sweetheart deal to be a private six-figure consultant while still serving as a top State Department official.


A Wife With Powerful Ties is an Unexpected Architect of a New York Comeback

Michael M. Grynbaum, Michael Barbara, Amy Chozick The New York Times 5/23/2013

When Chelsea Clinton wanted to make a low-key visit to the hurricane-stricken Rockaways last fall, she arranged to take a trip with her close friend Huma Abedin, a longtime aide to Hillary Rodham Clinton.

So some members of the Clinton camp were […]

MF Global probe uncovers shady pre-fall trades

Mark DeCambre The New York Post 12/10/2011

Something sure stinks in stinksville.

The trustee handling the unwinding of fallen broker dealer MF Global has uncovered some “suspicious” trades made by the company in the last days leading up to its Halloween collapse, a bankruptcy judge was told yesterday.

The trades could strike at the heart […]
