The ISIS Effect: 'Flattened; Everything is Gone'

Elizabeth Scalia
The Anchoress

…Our encounter occurred just as he’d finished communicating with sources on the ground, people who are seeing much more than we’re being told. Michael dared not say much, but he related this from the Syrian Maronite Bishop Sleiman, a sense of things as they are: “Flattened. Everything is just flattened. Destroyed.” People’s spirits are crushed; they have nothing, and are wholly dependent on aid; they are displaced, and in shock, and without the will to engage in the difficult work of surviving.

Orwell said “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” Another way is to simply obliterate their history entirely, give them no connection to their past, no standing reflection of who they are; in this way they become nobodies: people with no past to point to, no footpath to refer back to, so as to gauge a way forward. What a despicable robbery.

“Flattened. Destroyed.” It is unthinkable, and in a post-Christian West — where “tolerance” and “co-existence” are popular concepts of enlightenment, and an expedient political dynamic — this devastation is going almost unmentioned. A bloody, oppressive and culturally catastrophic War on Christians? Not half as interesting, to the West, as Snoop getting high at the White House

…Our brothers and sisters in the ancient province of Nineveh are fleeing, shocked and without hope. They are “Flattened, destroyed.” They have been pulled off of long-traveled footpaths and watched them become erased before their eyes. It might be too early for them to realize that, in the supernatural way of Christ, their stronghold and inheritance remains — that there is still a path to follow, and a future. But we must help them to know it, to feel the truth and power of it within themselves, by the force of our prayers, our fasting, our alms.

In my life, I have known when people are praying for me. I have felt it; been sustained by it. Help them to feel it.



Read the entire article at The Anchoress.



Related: Last Christians Expelled From Mosul After 2,000 Years. The Islamic State (formerly ISIS) have expelled the final Christian population of Mosul after an ultimatum on Thursday.

The last Christians have been forced to leave the Iraqi city of Mosul, ending a continuous presence there for 2,000 years.

Patriarch Louis Sako, Iraq’s most senior Christian leader said, “For the first time in the history of Iraq, Mosul is now empty of Christians.” Only a couple of weeks ago, he was amongst three prominent Iraqi Christian leaders who went to Brussels to ask the EU to do more to help Iraq’s Christians.


U.S. Funds Muslim Brotherhood Who Burn Churches, Defile Priest Corpses (video)

Fr. Anthony Hanna saw a 4th-century church after Muslim thugs looted, torched it, then dug up priests, crushed and burned their bones. The U.S. funds this?


On her Facebook page Clarice Feldman has been tirelessly writing about the plight of Christians in the Middle East, and particularly in Iraq. She posted some of her thoughts at American Thinker: Save the Middle Eastern Christians and Europe at the Same Time

…It is shocking how little outcry there has been against this from the usual NGO’s, UN agencies, media and religious groups. Even the US Bishops seem to have remained mum, although the Pope recently spoke out against this shameful treatment.

It’s time Europe opened its door to these true refugees from persecution and we and others helped to facilitate saving these beleaguered people from destruction. It’s time to acknowledge that multiculturalism is suicide and western civilization needs our help to survive.

Read the whole thing.

Update: Mosul’s Last Christians Flee Iraq’s Hoped-For Christian Stronghold

Historic community comes to ‘a real end’ after ISIS ultimatum tells Christians to convert, pay tax, or die…



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