You didn’t think they’d stop at just buckle up laws, right?
Eric Peters
The American Spectator
Mandatory buckle-up laws set the precedent: Even your own body in your own car is no longer your own personal space.
Here’s how it works: The government decides that whatever it is you’re doing is “unsafe” — not specifically in your case, just generally –– maybe, might be, could be — then asserts the legal authority to criminalize whatever it is you’re doing. Which means, it asserts the right to arrest you at gunpoint and threaten you implicitly and perhaps explicitly with lethal violence in order to force you to submit and obey.
Now they’re coming for your cigarettes.
A study just released by the CDC (see here) characterizes second-hand smoke as the latest threat to “safety” — and of course, “the children.” It urges what you’d expect: That it be made illegal to smoke in your own car, at least, if “the children” are present and possibly even if they’re not. For as any smoker knows — as anyone who has shopped for used cars knows — any car that has been smoked in retains the essence of the Marlboro Man for years, even decades after the last butt was crumpled in the ashtray. There is no way to objectively tell whether a car was smoked in last week — or 10 minutes ago. Hence, it is likely that any evidence of smoking — ever — will presently become sufficient excuse for the police to issue tickets, stop people at gunpoint, and perhaps even confiscate their vehicles (as is routinely done when another form of smoke is discovered)…
The article continues at The American Spectator.