Watch out for Petraeus in Benghazi scandal

Joseph Curl
The Washington Times

Call it “Oval Office Couch Syndrome.”

By their second term “inside the bubble,” presidents have completely lost touch with reality: Aides and confidants conspire to keep the chief executive insulated from the real world — the bad news, the worse press coverage. They think it’s their job, and lounging on the Oval Office couches, they nod along with the president’s every musing.

But this presidency has taken OOCS to new heights. Mr. Obama has only a few trusted aides, and occasional leaks from the West Wing show a paranoid president suspicious of nearly everyone around him. Supremely confident, convinced by the fawning minions at his feet that he is untouchable, the president dismisses all controversy as partisan attacks by an overzealous opposition. A pliant press corps of stenographers follows in lockstep…

…Speaking for the White House, the flack said the CIA was fully to blame for the talking points. Fully.

“That is what was generated by the intelligence community, by the CIA,” he said…

…Gen. David H. Petraeus, the former director forced to resign after a sex scandal, is a dangerous man to the Obama administration. Mad and intent on getting even, he’s already talking, telling one reporter the talking points were “useless” and he preferred not to use them at all. The floodgates will open this week, and by EOB Friday, the scandal will be full blown…


Read the entire editorial at The Washington Times.


Related: Obama CIA Director Called Benghazi Talking Points “Useless” – Then He Was Forced To Resign


Also, Benghazi and IRS Scandals Prove That America Is Threatened by REAL, Not IMAGINED, Tyranny!



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