We don’t think Israel can survive four more years of this kind of ‘support’

Come to think of it there won’t be an America, either, if this president is given the time he needs “to finish the job.”

Barack Obama to Jewish Donors: “I Try Not to Pat Myself on the Back” But I’ve Done More For Israel Security Than Any Other President

Jim Hoft

In May Barack Obama urged Israel to hand over half of Jerusalem, the Wailing Wall, The Temple Mount, Old Jerusalem, and the tomb of Jesus Christ to the Hamas-Fatah terrorist alliance.


Obama thought this would bring peace.

Hamas and Fatah leaders met again this week to discuss the reconciliation process between the two radical groups.

But, since when did facts matter to Barack Obama?

Last night Barack Obama told Jewish donors in New York that he has done more for Israel than all of his predecessors combined…

“I try not to pat myself too much on the back, but this administration has done more for the security of the state of Israel than any previous administration,”Obama said. “We don’t compromise when it comes to Israel’s security … and that will continue.”…

Read the complete article at GatewayPundit.

Meanwhile, in the Obama-endorsed mess in Egypt known as the “Arab Spring,” they’ve just held an election of their own…

Muslim Brotherhood, Radical Salafi Islamists Could Control Up To 65% of Seats In Egypt’s New Parliament…

A man holds the Koran during a protest at Tahrir Square in Cairo July 29, 2011. Tens of thousands of Egyptians rallied on Friday in a bid to show Islamists and liberal groups were united in wanting change, but the overwhelmingly Islamic tone of chants and banners exposed differences between the two sides. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh


…But a big surprise was the strong showing of ultraconservative Islamists, called Salafis, many of whom see most popular entertainment as sinful and reject women’s participation in voting or public life.

Analysts in the state-run news media said early returns indicated that Salafi groups could take as much as a quarter of the vote, giving the two groups of Islamists combined control of nearly 65 percent of the parliamentary seats.

That victory came at the expense of the liberal parties and youth activists who set off the revolution, affirming their fears that they would be unable to compete with Islamists who emerged from the Mubarak years organized and with an established following…

Read the article at Weasel Zippers.

Yeah. Who thinks this isn’t going to work out really well for Israel? What a friend they have in Barack Obama…

Related: Though not quite as deadly:  Trump: Obama ‘very inconsiderate’ for booking fundraiser alongside Rockefeller tree-lighting 

…“The streets are going to be closed — everything’s going to be closed because of his security. Let me tell you, this president is a much different person than people know. He’s a very inconsiderate guy.”

“Stop with the fundraisers and start running the country,” Trump added, addressing Obama directly, “because you’re doing one hell of a lousy job.”

The president will attend a fundraiser on Wednesday hosted by New York City gay and lesbian organizations, and then attend a reception for his early supporters…

Update: Dreams From My President

While others try to divine what really goes on in the mind of Barack Obama, all I know is what he says and what he does.  Thanks to The Daily Caller, we now have one of the best summaries of Obama’s philosophy ever caught on tape, uttered by the man himself, and without a teleprompter.  He wants to quash our dreams and replace them with his…

…What he considers undesirable is “private, individual,” and what he considers lovable is “collective transformation.”  He literally wants to quash our dreams, at least if those dreams are our own individual ones, and not his collectivist, transformative, and global one.

Obama loves the idea of putting the collective above the individual — not just in the sense of “common defense,” but in the very way we each carry out our lives.  A self-reliant person, pursuing her own “private, individual” dream, is the cynic without hope.  (Obama can read minds, apparently.)  To be on the side of the angels, you must be part of the collective, transforming the world

Read the whole thing…

Update 2:  Krauthammer: Obama has done more to undermine Israel’s position in the world than any other president

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