Glenn Beck
This morning on radio, Glenn shared a recent statement from Former SCOTUS Justice David Souter where he told the University of New Hampshire School of Law that pervasive civic ignorance in the United States could bring forth a dictatorship.
“I don’t worry about losing a Republican government in the United States because I’m afraid of a foreign invasion. I don’t worry about it because of a coup by the military as has happened in other places. What I worry about is when problems are not addressed. People will not know who’s responsible. And when the problems get bad enough, as they might, for example, with another serious terrorist attack or they might with another financial meltdown, some one person will come forward and say, “Give me total power and I will solve this problem.” That is how the republic fell in Roman times. Augustus became emperor not because he arrested the Roman Senate. He became emperor because he promised he would solve all the problems that were not being solved.”
Quite a bold statement coming from someone who served as a Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States of America.
After reading the statement, Glenn commented on the unbelievably high number of citizens that don’t pay any attention at all to what is going on in their own country, much less around the world.
“You’ve worked hard in the last four years or six years or eight years trying to educate yourself,” Glenn told listeners. “How many of our citizens don’t pay attention at all.”…
…Much like Glenn, Souter doesn’t believe America has lost its Republic.
“I think it is in jeopardy. I am not a pessimist, but I am not an optimist about the future of American democracy,” he said. “We’re still in the game, but we have serious work to do, and serious work is being neglected right now.”
The article continues, with videos, at
Related: Even more connections between Obama, communists
Glenn interviewed Paul Kengor, author of The Communist, on radio today to talk about yet more communist connections in Obama’s past. Everyone has some shady characters in their past, but Obama sure does have an unusually high number of people who love communism in his life.