White House Asked if Administration is a ‘Monarchy’



“On the domestic question, could you give us a little more clarity on this ‘with or without Congress’ because it’s being interpreted by some, Gingrich for example, as virtually a monarchy. The President says ‘if we can’t work with Congress, I’ll do it myself.’ And there is a lot of criticism and if you could explain exactly, you know, what the idea that is and whether it could backfire. Whether you look as if he is trying to just ignore Congress?,” the reporter asked.


“We have made clear, and the president has made clear that he will do whatever he can to help the economy, to help it grow, to help it create jobs, to help it protect the middle class. A lot of that work needs to be done, it has to be done with Congress,” White House press secretary Jay Carney said.

“We can’t wait for Congress to act, and if Congress refuses to act and if Republicans choose the path of obstruction, rather than cooperation, then the President is not going to sit here. This gridlock in Washington is not an excuse for inaction,” Carney also said.

Update: Obama: The Constitution? That’s For Mortals, Not Messiahs Like Me

…White House attorneys have concluded they have the legal authority to make a recess appointment despite Republican efforts to block the move, Democrats said Tuesday, and administration officials say they reserve the option to install Richard Cordray as head of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau without Senate approval.

…the White House has concluded that it can make the appointment even if the Senate has not formally recessed, said one Democrat familiar with White House thinking. “They have decided no one can stop them.”

If Obama does this it’s not because he’s all that concerned with getting Cordry in place, it’s because he wants to provoke a fight with congressional Republicans…

Read the whole thing.

Update 2:

“Obama is ready to take ‘small, medium and large’ actions without the consent of Congress ‘to help the cause,’ White House Press Sec. Jay Carney said”

Sometimes you have to break a few eggs if you want to whip you some ungrateful Visigoths.

After all, if the opposition is dead set on opposing, progress is by definition necessarily halted. And we’re all about the progress and its, well, progress.

For your own damn good. So shut up and thank us.

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