1 Sept 2013: The implementation of ObamaCare is just one month away

Obamacare Watch: 1 Sept 2013 — ONE MONTH!! WOOOOO!

The Necropolitan Sentinel
at Conservative Commune

One month to what? Who knows. (The Shadow does)

But now that implementation of the heart of Obamacare (individual mandates, tax/penalties (are they calling it “contribution”s now? Well, somebody is), exchanges) supposed to kick off on Oct 1, let’s see what people are just now discovering are in Obamacare (because these rules are just now being published)…

…In Nebraska, they’re finding out they can’t keep their coverage under Obamacare:

The Lincoln Journal Star added to the annals of ‘If you like your plan you can keep your plan (Midwestern edition)” yesterday with a new report on the impact of ObamaCare on health insurance premiums in Nebraska.  Thanks to the mandates in ObamaCare, most of the individual insurance plans offered in the past will no longer be available, whether consumers liked their plan or not.  The replacements will be much more expensive, with cost hikes ranging from 21% increases to as much as 143%:

I am telling you that it’s unusual for people to have more coverage when the price goes up.  So a lot of people currently insured will no longer be covered, because of all the “free” stuff…


Read the whole thing at Conservative Commune.



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