Reporter 'Silenced' by CNBC for Criticizing ObamaCare

Fox News Insider 11/16/2014

Fox Business Network anchor Melissa Francis dropped a bombshell on her show Friday, revealing that when she worked at CNBC, she was silenced by management for questioning the math behind ObamaCare on television.

In the shocking clip (below) that has picked up major traction on social media, Francis explains that […]

Oh, by the way, 90% of people without insurance won’t have to pay ObamaCare’s mandate penalty after all

Allahpundit Hot Air 8/7/2014

Another reminder that when the economic realities of this boondoggle collide with Democrats’ political priorities, the economics ultimately must bow. The first hard lesson in that was the “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan” fiasco. It was never true that people could keep their old plans if […]

Under Obamacare, People Must Be Broken of their Preference for Choice

Peter Suderman 5/13/2014

We have a new contender for most-telling-ever Obamacare quote this morning: “We have to break people away from the choice habit that everyone has.” That’s Marcus Merz, head of Minnesota health insurer PreferredOne, in a New York Times report on the increasing prevalence of narrow network health plans.

Merz is basically […]

Fallon Mocks Obamacare Enrollment Numbers

Katrina Trinko The Foundry 4/2/2014

Comedian Jimmy Fallon isn’t buying the hype over the 7.1 million Obamacare enrollees announced yesterday.

“It’s amazing what you can achieve when you make something mandatory, and fine people if they don’t do it, and keep extending the deadline for months,” cracked the Tonight Show host. “It’s like a […]

#LibertyTax: White House, Media Attack After Drudge Pays Obamacare Opt-Out Penalty

Matthew Boyle Big Government 21 Mar 2014

A White House aide set off a stampede of liberal media criticism for Internet news pioneer Matt Drudge over Obamacare – but his critics don’t seem to understand how small businesses pay taxes.

The brouhaha started when Drudge tweeted, “Just paid the Obamacare penalty for not ‘getting […]

ObamaCare's Secret Mandate Exemption

HHS quietly repeals the individual purchase rule for two more years.

The Wall Street Journal 3/11/2014

ObamaCare’s implementers continue to roam the battlefield and shoot their own wounded, and the latest casualty is the core of the Affordable Care Act—the individual mandate. To wit, last week the Administration quietly excused millions of people from the […]
