Scott Johnson
Power Line
What a year this is turning out to be. Even Barney Frank is sweating out his race against Republican challenger Sean Bielat. Or at least the circumstantial evidence points in that direction. At Breitbart TV, we find this report via Fleming and Hayes:
Upon exiting the most recent debate with Barney Frank, located at WGBH studios in Boston, MA, Republican Congressional candidate, Sean Bielat, gets heckled by a Barney Frank “supporter” while talking to the media. While watching this video, we realized that we recognized this “supporter”. We received confirmation from two eyewitnesses that the mysterious cameraman was none other than Barney Frank’s pot-growing boyfriend, James Ready.
Hot Air adds that Bielat’s campaign also recognized Frank’s boyfriend (as one can infer from Bielat’s comments in the video) and confirmed his identity when asked by Brian Faughnan. Let’s go to the tape.
Frank’s boyfriend heckles Sean Bielat over his humor. It’s true that there isn’t much funny about this scenario except what little attention it has received.
Via Memeorandum.